#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;use Getopt::Std;use Cwd;my $pwd = getcwd();my($qsub_opt,@allJobs,$qsubDir,$shell);use vars qw($opt_d $opt_l $opt_q $opt_N $opt_P $opt_n $opt_b $opt_m $opt_s $opt_r $opt_h);getopts("d:l:q:N:P:n:b:m:s:rh");if($opt_h or @ARGV == 0){ &usage(); exit;}# 生成目录$qsubDir, 用于存放任务输出信息等$shell = shift;my $shell_name = (split /\//,$shell)[-1];$qsubDir = $opt_d || (split /\//,$shell)[-1]."_qsub";`rm -rf $qsubDir` if(-e $qsubDir);`mkdir $qsubDir`;`rm $shell.log` if(-e "$shell.log");`rm $shell.error` if(-e "$shell.error");`rm $shell.finished` if(-e "$shell.finished");# 根据参数生成投递任务命令$opt_l = $opt_l || "vf=1G";$qsub_opt = "qsub -cwd -S /bin/bash -l $opt_l ";$qsub_opt .= "-q $opt_q " if($opt_q);$qsub_opt .= "-P $opt_P " if($opt_P);$qsub_opt .= "-l h=$opt_n" if($opt_n);$opt_N = $opt_N || "work";# 默认每个sh文本放1个命令, 最大同时任务30# 每隔120秒扫描任务状态, 最大尝试投递次数10my $lines = $opt_b || 1;my $maxJob = $opt_m || 30;my $sleepTime = $opt_s || 120;my $max_try = 10;$max_try = 1 if(!$opt_r);# 根据$shell文档生成并行运行的命令文档my $split_number;open IS,$shell or die "can\'t open shell.sh: $shell\n";while(){ chomp; $split_number++; my $num = 1; open OUTS,">$qsubDir/$opt_N\_$split_number.sh" or die "can\'t open split shell: $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$split_number.sh\n"; print OUTS $_; while($num < $lines){ $num++; last if(eof(IS)); chomp(my $command = ); print OUTS "\n$command"; } print OUTS "\necho this-work-is-complete\n"; close OUTS; push @allJobs,"$qsubDir/$opt_N\_$split_number.sh";}close IS;&qsub_and_wait();# 如果最大允许同时投递任务数目$maxJob小于总投递任务$split_number, 则投递$maxJob个任务, 不然投递$split_number个# 每隔$sleepTime时间查看任务状态, 如果在跑任务数目小于$sub_num, 则继续投递任务# 将所有任务的运行结果写入$shell.logsub qsub_and_wait{ chomp(my $user = `whoami`); my(%runJob,%error,@wait); my $sub_num = $maxJob > $split_number ? $split_number : $maxJob; @wait = (1..$split_number); my $qnum = 0; while(@wait and $qnum < $sub_num){ my $i = shift @wait; print "$qsub_opt -o $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.o -e $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.e -N $opt_N\_$i\_$shell_name $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh\n"; chomp(my $qmess = `$qsub_opt -o $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.o -e $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.e -N $opt_N\_$i\_$shell_name $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh`); if($qmess =~ /^[Yy]our\sjob\s(\d+)\s\(\".*\"\)\shas\sbeen\ssubmitted.?$/){ $runJob{$1} = "$qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh"; $qnum++; }else{ unshift @wait,$i; } } while(@wait or keys %runJob){ sleep($sleepTime); &check_job($user,\%error,\@wait,\%runJob); $qnum = keys %runJob; while(@wait and $qnum < $sub_num){ my $i = shift @wait; print "$qsub_opt -o $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.o -e $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.e -N $opt_N\_$i\_$shell_name $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh\n"; chomp(my $qmess = `$qsub_opt -o $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.o -e $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh.e -N $opt_N\_$i\_$shell_name $qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh`); if($qmess =~ /^[Yy]our\sjob\s(\d+)\s\(\".*\"\)\shas\sbeen\ssubmitted.?$/){ $runJob{$1} = "$qsubDir/$opt_N\_$i.sh"; $qnum++; }else{ unshift @wait,$i; } } } open OUTL,">>$shell.log" or die "can\'t open shell.log\n"; if(keys %error){ print OUTL "There are some job can't run finish, check the shell and qsub again\n"; for(sort {$a cmp $b} keys %error){ print OUTL "$_\n"; } }else{ print OUTL "All jobs are finished correctly\n"; } close OUTL;}# 检查投递任务的状态, 运行qstat -xml -u $userName, 获得当前并行任务的ID, 名字, 状态, 队列# 如果状态为Eqw,T,跑的节点是dead状态, 则撤销这个任务, 如果错误次数少于最大限度, 则重新投递# 对于已经停止的任务, 如果是完成了, 则从正在跑的任务名单剔除, 不然且在错误次数少于最大限度时,重新加入等待名单sub check_job{ my($userName,$error,$wait,$run) = @_; my %dead; &dead_nodes(\%dead); my %running; my $qsub_stat = `qstat -xml -u $userName`; while($qsub_stat =~ / (\d+?)<\/JB_job_number>.*? (.+?)<\/JB_name>.*? (.+?)<\/state>.*? (.*?)<\/queue_name> /gxs){ my ($jbnum, $jbname, $jbstat, $jbqueue) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); if($jbname =~ /$opt_N\_(\d+)/){ my $num = $1; my $split_shell = $$run{$jbnum}; if($jbstat eq "Eqw" or $jbstat eq "T" or ($jbqueue =~ /^.+@(.+)\.local$/ and exists $dead{$1})){ $$error{$split_shell}++; `qdel $jbnum`; `echo $split_shell has not finished! >>$shell.error`; if($$error{$split_shell} < $max_try){ `rm $split_shell.[oe]`; unshift @$wait,$num; `echo $split_shell has been reqsub >>$shell.error`; } delete $$run{$jbnum}; } $running{$jbnum} = undef; } } foreach my $id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$run){ my $split_shell = $$run{$id}; if(!exists $running{$id}){ delete $$run{$id}; chomp(my $log = `tail -1 $split_shell.o`); if($log eq "this-work-is-complete"){ delete($$error{$split_shell}); `echo $split_shell is finished! >> $shell.finished`; }else{ `echo $split_shell has not finished! >>$shell.error`; $$error{$split_shell}++; if($$error{$split_shell} < $max_try){ `rm $split_shell.[oe]`; my $num = $1 if($split_shell =~ /$opt_N\_(\d+)\.sh/); unshift @$wait,$num; `echo $split_shell has been reqsub >>$shell.error`; } } } }}# 运行qhost命令, 如果某个节点的LOAD MEMUSE SWAPUS MEMTOT SWAPTO其中一个为-, 则将这个节点设置为undefsub dead_nodes{ my $dead = shift; chomp(my @nodeMess = `qhost`); shift @nodeMess for(1..3); foreach(@nodeMess){ my @temp = split; my $node_name = $temp[0]; $dead->{$node_name} = undef if($temp[3]=~/-/ || $temp[5]=~/-/ || $temp[7]=~/-/ || $temp[4]=~/-/ || $temp[6]=~/-/); }}# 输出帮助信息sub usage{ print <